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Payment procedure with credit
When you click "クレジットでお支払い(Pay with credit)", the following screen will be displayed. Enter the quantity directly or by pressing the ± button to reach the desired total amount, and then "PayPalで支払う(Pay with PayPal)" Or click to select either “支払う (Pay without using PayPal account)”.

※Paypal payment has been introduced for customers to use with peace of mind.

Since PayPal mediates the exchange of money, credit card information is not transmitted to the online shop.

※About the difference between "PayPalで支払う(Pay with PayPal)" and "支払う (Pay without using PayPal account)" method

If you select “PayPalで支払う(Pay with PayPal)”, you will be able to complete payment more quickly by registering your credit card information with PayPal and no further input.